Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's "Servolution" time!

Did I spell it right? Sure hope so. I have great admiration for those who are able to come up with unique words like that. And I pray (join me now) that "servolution" becomes a concept that gets us (NLCC) SO fired up, it starts a ripple effect that goes on and on, and ON! And that because of it, the word "servolution" will actually be in a semi-normal dictionary no more than 10 years from now.

Hey, God's BIG... It could happen!!!!

Our culture already knows the concept, of course. We hear phrases like "puttin' your money where your mouth is" and "walkin' the talk." Unfortunately, we also hear things like, "Hell no, I'm not going to church! Those church people are all hypocrites! They want ME to obey a bunch of rules that THEY don't even follow!" And how sad that sometimes that assessment is truer than we'd like to admit.

So what I'm saying is, let's take church (God's doings) outside of the church (an inanimate building). Let's change the stereotype some people have of "church." While we're at it, let's change THE WORLD. Jesus did. And we are His agents of change today.

"Change you can believe in"? We already have a Messiah, thanks very much. His name is Jesus. Know Him.

Pray, pray, PRAY! Get ready for SERVOLUTION! Get ready for God's move!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited about Servolution because I believe it's God's heart, so I'm glad you're on board! As we simply serve where we see needs, let's not do that as a strategy but as an act of love.
I love checking in here when I have a few minutes. Thanks for blessing me!

Michele B said...

Thanks so much for blessing ME! Yes, let's do everything out of love... God's heart and Who He is! I pray that God would give us His heart for the lost and hurting we encounter every day! His love is amazing!