Well, here I am starting a blog. Something I never thought I'd be caught doing. Of course, it's comforting that at this point no one else in the universe (other than the Lord) knows it exists. Not even my beloved husband who still snoozes away next to me on this rare Saturday morning he's not bustling about the shop.
I'd like to start (as I almost always do when explaining why I pray) with the vision I had that started my journey into prayer. It's not really a vison, but I don't quite know what else to call it. I was just on my morning walk a few years ago. I didn't go into a trance or anything like that. I just kind of pictured a little scene where I was meeting the Lord for the first time in heaven. (A LITTLE scene? That'e like calling the movie The Ten Commandments the newsreel before the feature film! But I date myself!)
Anyway, the Lord was showing me all the lives and situations that had been affected for the good by my mediocre little prayers over the years (actually by His answers to them). At the end I was totally amazed and said to the Lord, "If I'd known prayer did THAT much, I'd never have STOPPED praying!" Then my focus returned to the present moment, as I heard Him say (none of this was in an audible voice, mind you), "Well, here you go. Here's your chance."
Have I prayed without ceasing since then? i must confess I haven't. But I have prayed far more than I would have, and have learned and am learning many wonderful lessons along the way, meeting and partnering with some awesome folks and fellow adventurers on this journey.
So here's my first post. If you're reading this I want to invite you to join me, a far-from-seasoned prayer warrior on a true mission from God here on the battle lines of eternity. That may sound a bit presumptuous, but that's exactly what The Word says we're in: A Battle. And if you're already on that battlefield, I invite you to share your valuable knowledge and experience with those of us who are just beginning, as we report for duty to our Commanding Officer, The Annointed One, the Endless of Days, and join in the cosmic war to take back the World in His Holy Name. Every one of us who is called by His name has been commissioned to take part, even if, like me, only in a minor role. It all makes a difference! That's what I learned that day on my walk, and that's what I bring to the table. The Battle Cry has been made. Will you answer?
Girl . . . count me in.
I like the way it is set up and I like your picture and this blog concept thing is something... I have a prayer request : my nursing supervisor is in having a heart cath at this time,her name is Lucy. Thanks Michelle. I feel like my prayers are so much more powerful if joined by another....now what about the "this is the place" story? Love ,dixie
Hi Dixie, thanks for the feedback. I will be praying for Lucy!
The "this is the place" thing happened years ago when Mike and I were looking for an engagement ring for me. We knew exactly what we wanted, an inexpensive vintage ring with a simple setting, the stone to be a sapphire. We were looking in all the little shops up in Sonora. We walked into one shop after a long search, and the moment we walked in the door I heard it. "This is the place."
In the farthest back case was the ring. It looked perfect, but too small. I slipped it on my finger and it fit perfectly.
Later as I wore my ring and we walked down the street to find a place to eat, some young guy drove by and hollered out his car window, "You're a cute couple! Stay together!" It was a magical day. We still talk about it!
Thanks for asking! Love you, too!
MICHELLE! I also have an inexpensive wedding ring story Skip wanted to go get one at a place I didn't want to go,he said,I only have _____amount to buy it,I said I don't think we'll find one I'll like for that amount. We prayed went to an antique and estate jewelry place...I saw one I loved and asked how much is that one...you guessed it that_______amount.
Dixie, that's so awesome! I guess I should have mentioned that we prayed before our find, too! That's what I'm talking about... I think everyone has stories like these and the more we share them the more we "encourage one another" in our praying.
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