Monday, December 31, 2007
The OTHER Other Mary
Then Pastor Jake spoke. For anyone who wasn't there, he talked about the "other Mary," the sister of Lazarus and Martha. I once wrote about becoming more of a Mary than a Martha. But when I hide myself away in my "safe" place, I'm a Martha all the way.
As Jake told us, now is the time for me to learn to "sit and be still in front of Jesus" (Luke 10:38-42). I need learn to "open up my heart to Jesus" (John 11:32-37). And to "worship in a radical/reckless/not safe new way" (John 12:1-8). It was like God was saying, "I gave Jake this message just for you. And I won't ask you to give something up without putting something way better in its place."
So this is what I had to share. It's scary. But I know, as Pastor Jake said, that God deals with us gently. That secret place had to go. It was safe for a while, but like an abscess, it had become walled off and unhealthy, and it just had to go.
Even if NO ONE reads this, it doesn't really matter. I had to share it is if to say, "Yes, Lord. I'm serious about this. I want to be completely Yours." So at the comfortable age of 52 (almost 53), I'm taking a new baby step again.
Thank God for "Youth Pastor Gets To Speak In Big Church Day"!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
New Year's Re-Solution
There was one point before I’d gotten a handle on my fibromyalgia, when I felt God told me just to make my bed. Every day, even if I couldn’t do anything else, just make my bed. I think the timing was around New Year's so it became a kind of New Year’s resolution. There were days when literally that was all I could do, and it might take me an hour, at that. But it was smart (yes, folks, God IS smart!), because at least I felt that I’d accomplished SOMETHING, and if all I could do then was climb back into bed, it was a made one. Plus, I used to be lazy about making the bed even on good days. It’s so much nicer to come home from work and find the bed is made.
And Michael likes to help. Which is always a timely reminder for me that everything doesn’t REALLY have to be perfectly straight!
Regarding the NYR thing I was thinking about my cat, Spike (who just jumped onto my lap). I took him in for his annual checkup a few weeks ago and got the usual lecture about brushing his teeth. Having no intention of actually doing so, I failed to ask how that might be accomplished, but really, how do you brush a cat’s teeth? Hey doc, there’s a reason his name is Spike, you know?
I picture getting him into a giant tube sock type-thing with just his head sticking out. Then sitting on him… gently… and wearing those thick leather welding gloves my husband uses, I could try prying his jaws apart, and then stick a little rubber ball in between his front sharp teeth and go for the back ones. With that tuna-flavored toothpaste they actually make. Is this what God had in mind when He made us stewards over the living creatures? I’m not so sure. Plus, after that, the cat would probably go into hiding for the rest of the year, so there’d go that resolution.
For me, the resolution thing is just kind of a set-up for failure. I think God has graced us with every new day being a NEW DAY! I don’t know about you, but I can’t really take life in year-size bites. Day-size ones are enough of a challenge, and I’m guessing God knows this about us. “THIS is the day that the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24, emphasis mine.) How about a New Day’s resolution? TODAY I will rejoice and be glad!
And NOT brush Spike’s teeth! (He made me add that last bit.)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
If Pastor Dave quotes a book on Sunday, I write the title in the margin of my note-taking sheet. Michael tries to slap the pen out of my hand. BUT! Two of my favorite books that I actually DID get through came from that venue: The Barbarian Way by Erwin Raphael McManus, and Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. I loved them both. I tried to get my daughter to read them. I knew she'd love them, too. Helpful hint: You can give someone a book, but you can't make them read it. Hey, it works both ways. I lot of my stash consists of books others have given me that I've yet to read.
Anyway, I picked up another new/old book the other day that I want to start. It's Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancey, another of my favorite authors. Tried to get my daughter to read Rumors of Another World by the same guy, but no go!
So anyway, I'm going to start this book and I hope to share with you from it along the way.
I literally just now opened it and Part One is called "Keeping Company with God." Wasn't that a quote from Pastor Dave a few posts back? Another "coincidence"? Or a jab in my spiritual side that I'm on the right track? And under the section title is this quote, which I'll leave you with:
"For prayer exists, no question about that. It is the peculiarly human
response to the fact of this endless mystery of bliss and brutality, impersonal
might and lyric intimacy that composes our experience of life." -- Patricia Hampl
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
There's Got To Be a Morning After
I’ve shared my grinchiness on this blog before, but it isn’t that. It’s just that, well, it’s a lot of work. No matter how “ready” I am (and this year I never did get EVERYthing done), it’s still a ton of work. My husband loves to cook… for an army. Any army will do. Well, at least he likes the idea of it. When it comes right down to doing it, he’s always surprised at what a lot of work it really is. Thanksgiving it was a turkey. Deep fried. When that was a success, he had to do a couple or ten more. We gave away tons and still had leftovers.
Yesterday it was a prime rib. And the day before it was a prime rib. We did a 20-pound prime rib for the shop employees on Christmas Eve, plus the side dishes, and a 16-pounder yesterday. My husband does ALL the work. I just have to help him hold and turn the prime rib for the coating, stick the dumajiggy under it when that’s done, open the oven door, make sure (on hands and knees) that the gas comes up all the way. (The stove’s an old Wedgewood, so cooking on it’s kind of a crapshoot, anyway. Sorry if that word offends. It’s a normal word in our house.) Then hold it while he carves it. It’s an oddly shaped piece of meat till you cut the ribs off. And just generally try to keep up with the dishes (you got it, no dishwasher) throughout the whole process, while I microwave/stir/open/put away/get out/clear off/set up/carry in/whatever this or that. As I said, he does all the work. So I have time to clean and wrap those last minute gifts. Which for me was all of them. Not buying last minute, just the wrapping.
And of course I learned a few things. I learned that if you give your grown kids money for Christmas, they may use it to pay you back money they owe you, so think about how much you really want to give them. I learned that the world really DOESN’T come to an end if I don’t get everything done. And I was reminded of how much we really, REALLY love our kids, and how that doesn’t even make a drop in the bucket of God’s love for us. And that God is so very THERE in every detail, moment and minutia of life. He really makes me feel like I CAN do anything. Christmas? That’s NOTHING! Bring on the next army, I’m ready! (Did I really just say that?)
Monday, December 24, 2007
A Christmas Eve Perspective
Well, I could be a patient in the hospital rather than an employee. I could be having to work tomorrow, as well. I could be unemployed.
I could be traveling hundreds of miles to be with family. And dreading it. Instead, family is coming to me and I'm loving it.
I could be fearful of what the New Year will bring. Instead I'm expectant. No, I don't know what the future holds, but as the saying goes, I know Who holds the future. What a huge difference that makes.
So life isn't perfect at the moment. My presents still aren't all wrapped and I've got tons left to do. But except for last Thursday's meltdown, I've stressed less this Christmas than any other in recent memory. I know it's not Thanksgiving. But thankful is how I feel. And very loved.
That the Father so loved me, and all of us, that He sent His Son to be born into a fallen world so in need of hope.
This night feels magic to me, even here at work. Like I remember as a child attending midnight mass at the Catholic church and riding home in the still and quiet of the most special of nights.
A blessed Christmas to you, and as someone wished me recently, may the New Year bring you an energized spirit, a contemplative soul, and a joyous outlook. I like that!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Lion and Mouse
I thought it was about Christmas and all that I needed to get done. My dear friend, Dixie, prayed over me on the phone, and as the day progressed I realized the meltdown was mostly, if not completely, about two other things.
Pastor Dave described prayer as "keeping company with God." I like that. But keeping company with God can, well, change you. He rubs off on you and you find yourself doing some new things, or old things in new ways.
This week I confronted someone head-on about some very wrong doctrines. I don't do that a lot (ever!). But this had gone on and on and was getting worse, with pronouncements on everyone who didn't agree as "apostate," and I heard the Lord say "enough!" The reaction I got started with turning me over to the Lord and having nothing to do with me ever again .... which I was pretty okay with ... to "you just misinterpreted what I was saying, we're really in complete agreement." That I was not okay with. Mission not accomplished!
But the one that bothered me more was this: I had felt compelled to make amends to someone I had sort of abandoned a few months back, and I e-mailed my apology, e-mail being the only way I have of reaching her. I expected to hear back promptly that all was forgiven, but I've heard nothing. I realize she may not have even seen the e-mail yet, but of course, I'm convinced she can't forgive me, which is of course her right and no less than I deserve. And I love and miss her.
Sidenote: JFYI neither of these people goes to our church or is even from around here.
So there's me. The lion and the mouse. God showed me this morning that I have to learn that when I do the right thing, lion-wise OR mouse-wise, I must leave the results with Him. He brought to my mind the story of Elijah, who ran away after he had the great victory against the prophets of Baal (1Kings 18 and 19). Not in my case so much about the victory, but the part about hiding in the cave afterward. And God says, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" You should read it and see how he WHINES!! I think I whine better.
So I'll just be keeping company with God today and leaving that cave, and all my fretting, behind. If you think about me today, please pray for me!
This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Peace on Earth, or Confessions of a Mad Housewife
It came in handy when they were small and got separated from me in a store. They just stopped and listened for the humming. As a precocious 5-year-old, my son once observed, "It's not the fact of your humming that's annoying. It's the fact that you don't know you're humming." Out of the mouths of babes.
This morning I awoke with the words in my head "peace on earth, goodwill to men" to the tune of "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day." As I lay there I was so thankful for the peace the Lord brings to me, especially in my times of "busy brain," as I ranted about a couple of posts ago (which, by the way, can occur in the daytime, as well... just so unmanageable at night!).
How many thousands of times have I heard in my head, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee" (Isaiah 26:3)?
The alternate title to this post also pertains to the fact that my house was in total chaos, and I confess I still tend to be so affected by my surroundings. Chaos without, chaos within. It wasn't just ordinary chaos, either. It was Christmas chaos. One of the things I dread most about the Holiday Season.
I got home from work last night a little after 10:00 to find that my beloved, who knows me so well, had straightened up the house. I mean STRAIGHTENED it! It was so nice to come home and be able to breathe a calm sigh of relief instead of the hyperventilation of rising panic.
Thank you, husband! Thank you, Lord, for Your peace, constantly available no matter what my earthly surroundings!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Behold the Lamb
How can the history of God's love be told in just one hour? It probably can't. But "Behold the Lamb" comes so close! All in music, no speaking parts, it tells the story God's redemption. Instruments include strings, guitars (of course), a five-string base, stand-up base, awesome fantastic percussion, AND a mandolin!! And six awesome voices!
Beautiful. I just wish I could see it again!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Of Plant Seeds and Petri Dishes
We've probably all heard of scientific studies showing that prayer lowers blood pressure and results in better outcomes for intensive care patients. But of course some still raise doubts. "They were unconsciously influenced by other factors!" Even though these experiments have been repeated over and over with the strictest scientific practices to ensure complete objectivity. Even those conducting the experiment and the subjects were not told what the study was about, or who were the controls!
But prayer has even been shown to affect the growth of fungus in petri dishes and the germination of plant seeds... positively or negatively, from a distance! Hey, I'm not making this stuff up. You can Google it and find tons of information yourself.
How do you feel about this? I have mixed feelings. Part of me goes, "Ya, right on! I KNEW it!" But another part of me cringes at the fact that we've taken our infinitely holy and sovereign God of inapproachable light and turned Him into just one more banal headline for the tabloids. "I Found Jesus Under My Wallpaper" or "What Would Jesus Buy/Drive/Play/Wear?" Consider this actual survey served up on The Huffington Post:
What would Jesus do?
Rummage through Britney's trash?
Wait outside of Nicole's house for a shot of her baby bump?
Do lines with Lindsay and then tell all the next day? (pre-"rehab", of course)
Appear on "The 700 Club" to plug his latest project?
None of the above.
Please forgive me if this offends any of you. IT OFFENDS ME!! My point is: THAT is almost how these studies on prayer affect me. How dare anyone demean our God in this way? How dare they trivialize Him like this? Reduce the awesome privilege of prayer into a double-blind study?!!
Picture this tabloid headline: King of Ages Just a Baby in a Feed Trough Wrapped in Dirty Rags!
Oh come ON! Have they no sense of dignity whatsoever?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
4:00 AM Revelation
"I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be
thwarted." Job 42:2And in the comfort of those words I slept.
3:00 AM Busy Brain
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Let Us Pray
"All I want to do is kill and injure as many of you ... as I can, especially Christians who are to blame for most of the problems in the world." Matthew Murray, Shooter, Colorado Springs
I'm not going to editorialize on this tragedy, other than to ask that we would bring to the Lord in prayer this troubled young man's family, the families of the victims, the woman who took him down, and anyone else personally affected by this violent event.
"Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." (Matthew 5:44)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Our dog Audrey is the same way, except that she loves love. She will follow us around, lie at our feet, move her head just to be a centimeter closer to a hand that may at any moment scratch her ears or chin. Food? She can take it or leave it. And she often leaves it. Which is part of why Greta is such a porker.
My friend Joanne recently noted her penchant for turning everyday things into spiritual truths, which is just one reason I love her blog, "At His Feet." (I highly recommend her blog if you're not already onboard with it, and someday I'll post a link to it when I figure out how to do all that fancy stuff). Well, you don't get much more "everyday" or more earthy than dogginess... And there's even a biblical basis for this one (see Matthew 15:21-28).
One thing I'm learning on this prayer journey is that in the moments when I've found that sweet spot, when I truly feel His presence no matter what I'm doing or where I am, I am open to every scrumptious morsel that falls from His table and every touch of His hand as I sit at His glorious feet.
But is it only "scraps" and "morsels" that I receive from His hand? A thousand times NO! There are riches and blessings beyond measure. Living life in His presence is the most transforming thing in all of creation.
I know I'm not telling anyone anything new who has already stepped through that veil and into the light of His presence. I'm just staggered, staggered by the height and depth and breadth of His love for me.
If, as we sing, "one day in His courts is better than thousands elsewhere," then one scrap from His table is better than a thousand banquets at Buckingham Palace. With Queen Elizabeth in all her regalia.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Connecting the Dots
He answers. Even prayers we forgot we prayed. HE doesn't forget. I don't know about you, but for me that is so comforting, I just want to climb back into my nice warm bed with my snugly dog and snugly husband... oh, that'd be the other way around... and bask in the warm glow of God's lovingkindness.

Friday, December 7, 2007
Ah, Christmas? Again?
I must confess to being a bit of a scrinch myself (you got it, that's a Scrooge/Grinch), and several of you heard me whine my baloney sandwich story yesterday. Then I heard about some situations that made my baloney sandwich story sound like chestnuts roasting on an open fire!
In our celebration, I think it's not a bad idea to remember to pray for those with little to celebrate right now. Life can be hard anytime, as we all know, but when you have everyone asking if you're ready for Christmas, and Burl Ives blasting you to "have a holly jolly" one it can get even harder.

But I was urged, "Do not let this Christmas season overwhelm you... Focus on Jesus. Take time every day to read the prophecies of His coming, and the wonderful story of His birth. Make this Christmas one of 'excedingly great joy'!" (I quote Billy Graham who quotes Matthew 2:10.)
I'm really gonna try to do that this year, as I pray for my friends S., T., and K. You know who you are. I love you all and you know it!
When they saw the star they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. Matt 2:10
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Lion Chaser's Manifesto
Anyway, I LOVED this!!
Why am I posting this to a blog about prayer? It's one of the reasons I got busy and started a blog, even though it seemed impossible. And it also speaks to everything about why I pray!
Lion Chaser’s Manifesto
Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.
Set God-sized goals.
Pursue God-ordained passions.
Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.
Keep asking questions.
Keep making mistakes.
Keep seeking God.
Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution.
Stop repeating the past and start creating the future.
Stop playing it safe and start taking risks.
Expand your horizons.
Accumulate experiences.
Consider the lilies.
Enjoy the journey.
Find every excuse you can to celebrate everything you can.
Live like today is the first and the last day of your life.
Don’t let what’s wrong with you keep you from worshipping what’s right with God.
Burn sinful bridges.
Blaze a new trail.
Criticize by creating.
Worry less about what people think and more about what God thinks.
Don’t try to be who you’re not. Be yourself.
Laugh at yourself.
Quit holding out. Quit holding back. Quit running away.
Chase the lion!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
That said, ever since I felt God calling me to start a blog about prayer, it’s almost seemed like He’s answering even my silly little prayers. Maybe to make a point. I mean, I know He always answers prayer, though maybe not as we expect. But this has really been like when I was a little kid and didn’t know any better than to pray for silly impossible things.
Okay, let me get to the point. (And this is just ONE example.)
On the way to church Sunday morning (just two days ago!), my husband voiced a quick prayer for rain, claiming that we really need it. He bemoaned the fact that there was NO RAIN in the forecast except for a small possibility by the very end of the 10-day forecast on the Weather Channel ( I agreed with him in prayer and added, “And Lord, let it even rain in the next day or two in the face of what the meteorologists have all predicted!” Right then we noticed the wind was out of the south, which my Dad taught me always portends rain.
We awoke this morning to the sound of rain. Less than 48 hours later. And it rained more than a little. I was wow-wowed.
THEN I worried about everyone whose day/crops/life/commute/wedding preparation/_________(fill in the blank) had been ruined by the rain. But would a child in wow-wow mode so worry? Hmmm?
Monday, December 3, 2007
"Availeth Much"
I will file this posting under “more than coincidence,” a term I’m actually borrowing from the popular publication, “Guideposts,” in which it’s a regular department they feature. I really enjoy “Guideposts,” by the way, which I totally hated it in my “running away from God” days. But that’s another story.
Anyway, I love coincidences. Because I totally don’t believe in them. No, really! I have come to believe that God has ordained every day, every moment of our lives from creation. (Some might argue that if that’s true, He can’t hold us accountable for our choices. Well He CAN and DOES.)
So when “coincidences” happen, I look for God. He’s there. I think I can safely say He’s ALWAYS there.
Around the time in my life described in my last – and first – post, I was also seeing the words “pray” and “prayer” everywhere. EVERYWHERE! It was weird. I could pick up a secular magazine at the doctor’s office and randomly open to a big feature on prayer. I would drive down the highway and see like two billboards and three bumper stickers about prayer. Just in a half-mile trip! I would catch a news story on TV at a friend’s (we don’t have TV at our house except for movies we rent) and it would be about prayer. And it wasn’t even a Christian station! You get the picture. I got the message.
Well, I’ve struggled with the idea of doing this blog about prayer, as some of you will recall if I ever get around to inviting anyone to read this. When I was getting ready to set up my blog I couldn’t decide what to name it. I tried to think of catchy names, but could only think of non-catchy ones. One idea was “not a seasoned prayer warrior.” Duh! Why state the obvious, and in the process possibly offend those who really ARE seasoned prayer warriors, whom I so look up to and want to hear from!
Then “Availeth Much” popped into my head. Popped, but with this message. “I want you to call it ‘Availeth Much.’”
“Ah, sounds kinda, I don’t know, archaic, maybe a little presumptuous, don’t you think, Lord?”
“Availeth Much is the name.” Whew! All RIGHTY then. “Availeth Much” it is. Now I will tell you early and often that I don’t hear from God in an audible voice, and never have except for one time long ago when He said, and I do quote, “This is the place.” But that’s another story, as well.
I knew that “availeth much” comes from a Bible verse that says, in the KJV, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” But I had no idea where exactly that verse was. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not thinking or saying I’m righteous. No, no, no, no. No. OH no. But I do know that when we are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus, God sees us as righteous. Literally as righteous as Jesus. And that’s the message I feel the Lord wants me to get out there. That in Jesus, our prayers really do make a difference. Really and truly.
Well here’s the coincidence. The very next day Pastor Dave spoke on prayer (a “coincidence” in and of itself), AND the key verse and memory verse from the message was the very one that had “popped” into my head the day before. I was floored. “Okay, God, I get it!”
James 5:16 says in the NLT, “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.” Or as my NASB has it, “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”
So I say, let’s clothe ourselves in His righteousness and PRAY!