Monday, December 24, 2007

A Christmas Eve Perspective

I work in a hospital. Here I am at work. It's my dinner break, so I'm not breaking any rules by blogging on work time. But yes, Virginia, I have to work on Christmas Eve. Until 10:00 p.m. Is that the pits?

Well, I could be a patient in the hospital rather than an employee. I could be having to work tomorrow, as well. I could be unemployed.

I could be traveling hundreds of miles to be with family. And dreading it. Instead, family is coming to me and I'm loving it.

I could be fearful of what the New Year will bring. Instead I'm expectant. No, I don't know what the future holds, but as the saying goes, I know Who holds the future. What a huge difference that makes.

So life isn't perfect at the moment. My presents still aren't all wrapped and I've got tons left to do. But except for last Thursday's meltdown, I've stressed less this Christmas than any other in recent memory. I know it's not Thanksgiving. But thankful is how I feel. And very loved.

That the Father so loved me, and all of us, that He sent His Son to be born into a fallen world so in need of hope.

This night feels magic to me, even here at work. Like I remember as a child attending midnight mass at the Catholic church and riding home in the still and quiet of the most special of nights.

A blessed Christmas to you, and as someone wished me recently, may the New Year bring you an energized spirit, a contemplative soul, and a joyous outlook. I like that!


Gena said...

Hope you had a wonderful day with the family that came to be with you.
Merry Christmas, with love,

Michele B said...

And the same to you, dear lady! Thanks for that. It was great, and I can say that truthfully!

Anonymous said...

hi michelle!! thanks for the comment and i was impress with your blog because it represent god and love.... i hope we will enjoy this christmas and happy new year..... darryl

Michele B said...

Thanks for that, Darryl! I'm so thankful for the Lord's love that we can see so clearly in His son, Jesus Christ! Have a blessed New Year!

Anonymous said...

Dear Michele, I do hope you and Mike had a wonderful holiday. I'm sure you did -- your hopefulness is contagious! And I hope the New Year brings you every wish come true and so much love your heart bursts with joy!

Michele B said...

Beverly, thank you! And the same to you!

A new teaching series is starting up next Sunday at our church, and I'd love to have you come as our guest. It's called "New Year's Revolution" and I'm really looking forward to it!